Lowongan sinarmas mining, Sinar Mas merupakan sebuah brand name dengan operasi bisnis yang bergerak di berbagai sektor, seperti Pulp dan Kertas, Agribisnis dan Food, Jasa Keuangan, Developer dan Real Estate, Telekomunikasi, dan Energi dan Infrastruktur, termasuk Kesehatan dan Pendidikan. Sejak tahun 2003, Sinar Mas tidak lagi menyebut dirinya sebagai Sinar Mas Group, karena setelah restrukturisasi, Sinar Mas tidak lagi memiliki holding, melainkan President office yang memfasilitasi/membantu pilar-pilar bisnis. Sinarmas Mining salah satu pilar dalam grup sinarmas. Berikut lowongan kerja sinarmas mining:
1. CSR External Section Head
Job Description:
- Build partnership with stakeholder through sustainable CSR Community Development Program
- Build and maintain good external relationship with community and government
- Design business development program especially for biomass energy and cofiring
- Create, implement, monitor and evaluate empowerment programs for local communities to make it sustainable
- Conduct research and development of energy plants for the sustainability of biomass raw material and biomass energy
- Conduct partnerships with the community in the supply of raw materials for biomass and energy plants
- Conduct coaching, counseling and settlement of solving social cases in the community
- Bachelor’s degree majoring in forestry or agriculture
- Have minimum 5 years of working experience in HTI, forestry or mining
- Experience in CSR and External Relation
- Have knowledge about the product source of raw materials for Energy (Coal, Biomass)
- Able to do research, analysis and improvement
- Willing to be placed in South Kalimantan
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