Lowongan RCTI 2020, RCTI (singkatan dari Rajawali Citra Televisi Indonesia) adalah stasiun televisi swasta Indonesia pertama. Pada awalnya didirikan sebagai perusahaan patungan dengan kepemilikan saat itu adalah Bimantara Citra (69,82%) dan Rajawali Wirabhakti Utama (30,18%). RCTI pertama mengudara pada 13 Agustus 1988 dan diresmikan 24 Agustus 1989 pukul 13:30 WIB dan pada waktu itu, siaran RCTI hanya dapat ditangkap oleh pelanggan yang memiliki dekoder dan membayar iuran setiap bulannya. RCTI melepas dekodernya pada akhir 1989. Pemerintah mengizinkan RCTI melakukan siaran bebas secara nasional sejak tahun 1990 tetapi baru terwujud pada akhir 1991 setelah mendirikan RCTI Bandung pada 1 Mei 1991. Sejak Oktober 2003, RCTI dimiliki oleh Media Nusantara Citra, kelompok perusahaan media yang juga memiliki GTV dan MNCTV. Berikut lowongan kerja RCTI 2020, selain itu juga tersedia lowongan Microsoft Indonesia
1. IT Operational
- Bachelors Degree in Analytics, Computer Science, or related field.
- You have at least 3-5 years of working experience in this sector
- Excellent time management skills for planning and execution
- Excellent documentation skills for writing reports, etc.
- Experience in networking
2. IT Infrastructure
- Bachelors Degree in Analytics, Computer Science, or related field.
- Work experience of at least 2 years in the IT industry is required
- Experienced in using tools / frameworks for modern infrastructure provisioning, monitoring and application deployment
- Strong presentation skills and ability to communicate complex findings and ideas in plain language
3. Quality Assurance
- Bachelors Degree in Analytics, Computer Science, or related field
- Minimum 2-3 years Software QA
- Strong knowledge of software QA methodologies, tools and processes
- Hands-on experience with automated testing tools
- Experience with performance and / or security testing is a plus
4. Principal Engineering
- Bachelor degree in Computer Engineering / Computer Science or related field
- Minimum 2-3 years software development
- Proven experience in high-level programming languages, like Java, GoLang, Python
- Proven experience in software development methodologies.
5. Data & Analitycs Engineering
- Bachelors Degree in Analytics, Computer Science, or related field
- 3 – 5 years experience in an Analytics Manager position or similar role is required
- Excellent communication and presentation skills.
- Results-driven and ability to handle multiple projects.
- Proficient in business intelligence tools, software, and dashboards
6. Department Head / Technical Lead Pilar UGC & Game
- Bachelor degree in Computer Engineering / Computer Science or related field
- Minimum 7+ years software development
- Excellent verbal and written communication skills with peers and stakeholders
- Expert and have a good exp. in Software development, mobile developer, Python, Java, GoLang, JS Stacks, object-oriented design and service-oriented architecture
7. Application Engineering (News & Radio+)
- Bachelor degree in Computer Engineering / Computer Science or related field.
- Minimum 2-3 years software development
- Have a good exp. in Software development, Python, Java, GoLang, JS, object-oriented design and service-oriented architecture
8. Application Engineering (Pilar Video)
- Bachelor degree in Computer Engineering / Computer Science or related field.
- Minimum 2-3 years software development
- Have a good exp. in Software development, Python, Java, GoLang, JS, object-oriented design and service-oriented architecture
9. PMO / Scrum Master
- Bachelor degree in Computer Engineering / Computer Science or related field.
- Experience in a scrum master role
- Excellent knowledge of Scrum techniques and artifacts (such as definition of done, user stories, automated testing, backlog refinement)
- Familiarity with software development
- Excellent communication and servant leadership skills
- Problem-solving and conflict-resolution ability