Lowongan Kerja Chevron Indonesia

Lowongan chevron 2020, Chevron Corporation adalah salah satu perusahaan energi terbesar dunia asal Amerika. Berkantor pusat di San Ramon, California, AS dan aktif di lebih dari 180 negara, Chevron bergerak dalam setiap aspek industri minyak dan gas, termasuk eksplorasi dan produksi; pengilangan, pemasaran, dan transportasi; produksi kimia dan penjualan; dan pembangkit listrik. Chevron memiliki fasilitas di 90 negara. Chevron adalah satu dari enam perusahaan minyak dunia, pada tahun 2013 ia menempati posisi ke-11 dalam daftar Fortune Global 500 untuk perusahaan terbesar di dunia.

Energi alternatif yang diproduksi Chevron antara lain geotermal, energi surya, angin, bahan bakar nabati, sel solar, dan hidrogen. Tahun 2011-2013, Chevron berencana menghabiskan 2 miliar dolar AS untuk penelitian dan akuisisi perusahaan energi terbarukan. Chevron mengklaim diri sebagai produsen energi geotermal terbesar dunia. Berikut lowongan kerja chevron 2020, selain itu tersedia lowongan JNE

1. Health, Environment And Safety Engineer

Job Descriptions:

  • Supporting execution of applicable OE Plans at work site related to safety and health.
    Evaluates workforce safety plans incorporating standard safety minimums to ensure adequate safeguards are in place for high risk/high consequence operations.
  • Supporting execution of project, normal operations and other activities to be implemented in safe manner.
  • Interprets and develops guidance on corporate standardized processes to operations, maintenance and other OE/HES customers.
  • Participates on local workforce safety audits and review teams of field project activities, including site workers and SLT members on the audit team.
  • Resolves recommendations from incident investigations and audits.


  • Bachelor’s Degree (S1) majoring in Engineering or Occupational Health and Safety with minimum GPA 2.75.
  • Minimum of 4 years of experience in Health, Environment and Safety within Oil and Gas Industry.
  • Knowledgeable about Safety Management System, Incident Investigation and Reporting, Safe Work Practices, Motor Vehicle Safety, Environmental Management, and other HES related issues.
  • Experienced in delivering trainings and coaching.

2. Operational Excellence – Health, Environment And Safety Engineer

Job Descriptions:

  • Perform Identification and evaluation Environmental aspect and impact.
  • Develops, coordinates and supervises routine environmental site investigations (site assessment, water resource assessment, environmental baseline, permit compliance, etc.).
  • Provides technical guidance and advice to IBU management to develop risk based solutions to comply with applicable laws, regulations, standards and company policies and processes including applicable environmental performance standards.
  • Responsible for Environmental reporting to GOI and Corporate related to applicable environmental performance standards and permit requirements (especially related to waste aspects).
  • Provides technical support for routine/ incidental government or external agency inspections or investigations.
  • Support GOI PROPER preparation and PROPER verification.


  • Bachelor’s Degree (S1) majoring in Engineering or Environmental or Science with minimum GPA 2.75.
  • Minimum of 4 years of experience in Health, Environment and Safety within Oil and Gas Industry.
  • Knowledgeable about environmental management, AMDAL, RKL/RPL, environmental laws and regulations, and other environmental related issues.
  • Experiences on developing/revising AMDAL Studies and familiar with implementing Environmental Permit RKL/RPL.
Batas Akhir Melamar 25 Desember 2020

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